
New Jersey Employment Lawyer Blog


Retaliation After Termination Can Violate New Jersey Law Against Discrimination

Earlier this year, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that an employer can violate the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination if it retaliates against an employee after it fires him. The Appellate Division decision reached the same conclusion in 2008, as discussed in a previous article. The New Jersey Law…


Employers Can Be Held Liable for Discriminatory Hiring Decisions Made By Independent Contractors

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled that employers can be held liable for discriminatory hiring decisions of independent contractors who are authorized to make hiring decision on the employer’s behalf. The Second Circuit is the federal appellate court that handles appeals from District Courts in New York, Connecticut…


Sexual Harassment of Independent Contractor Can Violate New Jersey Law Against Discrimination

On January 6, 2010, the New Jersey Appellate Division ruled that J.T. Tire Service can proceed with its sexual harassment lawsuit against United Rentals North under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination. In the case, J.T. Tire alleges that United Rentals terminated its contract with United Rentals because the owner…


New Jersey Law Against Discrimination Clarified to Include Autisim as Disability

Earlier this year, New Jersey amended its Law Against Discrimination to expressly include “autism spectrum disorders” in its definition of disability. This means it is unlawful for New Jersey employers to discriminate against employees because they are autistic, unless the company can show that the autistic employee cannot perform the…


New Jersey Court Finds Emphatic Response to Discriminatory Remark Can Be Legally Protected

New Jersey’s Appellate Division recently upheld a jury verdict which found Avaya, Inc. liable for retaliation in violation of the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination. The case is LaFranco v. Avaya, Inc. It involves an employee who responded to his supervisor’s anti-Semitic statement by emphatically indicating that he is Jewish.…


Extended Medical Leave Can Be Reasonable Accommodation Under New York Law

New York’s Appellate Division recently recognized that a disabled employee working in New York may be entitled to take extended medical leave under the New York State and New York City Human Rights Law. The case involved Deborah Phillips, a civil service employee for New York City’s Department of Homeless…


New York Requires Employers to Provide Written Notice of Overtime Rate

Starting on October 26, 2009, employers in New York State must give newly hired employees written notice of their regular hourly pay rate. For employees who are entitled to receive overtime pay, employers also must state their overtime rate. Employers also need to obtain written confirmation from new employees, confirming…


When Do Employers Violate the ADA By Discriminating Against Employees With Disabled Relatives?

In two previous articles, I discussed important rulings the Third Circuit Court of Appeals made in Erdman v. Nationwide Insurance Company regarding the Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Specifically, that case rules that an employee’s time worked from home counts toward the FMLA’s 1,250 hour eligibility requirement if the…


Employees Who Request FMLA Leave Are Legally Protected Before They Take Any Leave

Last week, I discussed the Third Circuit’s recent decision regarding when time worked from home counts toward the Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)’s 1,250 hour eligibility requirement. The same case, Erdman v. Nationwide Insurance Company, also addresses whether an employee who requests but does not receive an FMLA leave…

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