
New Jersey Employment Lawyer Blog


New Jersey Supreme Court Clarifies that Supervisors Are Liable for Discrimination if They Actively and Purposefully Participated in it

On May 28, 2008, the New Jersey Supreme Court made an important ruling that helps to clarify when a supervisor or manager can be held legally responsible for his or her participation in discrimination and harassment under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination, N.J.S.A. § 10:5-1, et seq. (“LAD”). The…


Independent Contractors Protected by Conscientious Employee Protection Act

On July 25, 2007, the New Jersey Supreme Court decided two employment law cases that clarified that the Conscientious Employee Protection Act (“CEPA”) applies to many individuals who have traditionally been considered independent contractors: D’Annunzio v. Prudential Insurance Company of America, 192 N.J. 110 (2007) and Stomel v. City of…


Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

On May 21, 2008, President Bush signed the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA”) of 2008. The statute had previously passed the Senate unanimously and the House by a 414 to 1 vote. Upon the President signing it, GINA went into effect immediately. The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act prohibits discrimination on…

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